Most furnaces perform well for roughly 15 years with the right maintenance. When the performance of your heating system starts to decline, the problem may sneak up on you. You’re accustomed to the heat simply working and not giving it much thought. For the sake of comfort, energy efficiency, and safety, watch out for these signs that you are overworking your heating system.
The furnace filter catches dust as it cycles through the ducts. An increasing amount of dust on surfaces throughout your home indicates that the filter is no longer capturing dust. If you can’t remember the last time that you changed the filter, then it’s probably clogged. A dirty filter strains the furnace as it struggles to move air.
Rising utility bills
Strange mechanical noises
Having to constantly adjust thermostat
Seeing a yellow pilot light flame
Although you expect your heating bills to rise during cold weather, an overworked heating system will consume increasing amounts of energy. Look at your utility payments from the previous year to see if you’re using more gas or electricity. Furnace inspection and tune-up will return the unit to efficient operation.
An inspection performed by a NATE-certified technician from Expert Air Control will inform you about problems with your furnace. Our company in Puyallup, WA, services all makes and models of heating equipment. We offer emergency repair services when your heat stops unexpectedly.
Mechanical problems within a struggling furnace could cause a dangerous carbon monoxide leak. Even before a leak becomes deadly, people in the home might experience headaches, nausea, or irritated eyes. If someone experiences symptoms like these after you turn on the heat, open the windows and schedule repairs right away.
Expert Air Control has been in business since 1979. We’re experienced with all types of heating and cooling repair and installation. We also provide other services like duct cleaning and gas piping. We’re committed to delivering high-quality services to all of our customers. Call us for any of your heating and cooling needs.
Categories: Heating
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